Texture Master®
Drywall texture-matching can be challenging.
Really, it takes years to perfect.
But with the right instruction, techniques, and specialty
texture-matching products…
You Can Do It!
Hi, my name is Paul, and I am the Texture Master.
I’ve been a drywall and painting contractor for over 25 years, and I am passionate about helping anyone with their drywall, texturing, and painting projects.
I’ve created texture-matching products and techniques to help make a repaired textured finish look almost perfect!
Here to help
DIY-ers and Contractors
of all skill levels

How do we help?
What we offer aspiring
Texture Masters:

Tips and tricks of the trade from an expert contractor

Hours of free educational video content with step-by-step instructions

A product line of specialized texture-matching tools
Visual Learner?
Check out DrywallTube
Join 275K subscribers for hundreds of hours of hours of free video content, including step-by-step instructions for texture-matching.

How do I start learning how to texture match?
Identify which type of drywall texture you are working with:

Knockdown texture, also known as Splatter texture, is a very popular texture in many areas of the United States and worldwide. It adds interest and a unique Mediterranean feel to any wall or ceiling. Since the early 1990s, many general contractors are almost exclusively using knockdown texture in large newly-built neighborhoods,

Orange Peel
Also a popular texture in the United States and Canada, oftentimes exclusively used in kitchens and bathrooms due to its cleanability and durability in the high-use areas of a home. Orange peel texture has outlasted all of the various textures that have come and gone since the 1970s through to the early 1990s.

Also known as acoustic ceiling texture and has a very bumpy appearance (just like popcorn!)

Skip Trowel
A very elegant texture that has a Mediterranean flair to it, and can be found in many high-end homes. While it looks similar to the Knockdown texture, it is a little more spaced and spread out. It can also look very similar to a medium stucco finish depending on the consistency you choose.
Once the texture type is determined,
you’re ready for tools and instructions
From the Video Vault
Paul’s texture-matching demonstrations
I’m happy to have you here and am excited to share my strategies, tips, and tricks of the texturing-world with you!